Chapter 6. Implementing Tables within Your App
With the release of iPhone 6 and Apple Pay, Apple took a big step into the world of mobile payments, which will help users when purchasing items using their mobile devices. Purchasing items using Apple Pay can be achieved in two ways: by using Near Field Communication (NFC), or directly within the iOS app itself.
In this chapter, we will start developing a Shopping List application for Apple Watch and the iOS application, leveraging the PassKit framework so that our app is able to handle Apple Pay payments, and pass information between the iOS device and the WatchKit extension. You will learn how to use the WKInterfaceTable
controller within the WatchKit platform, how to set them up and configure them, determine when a row has been selected by the user, and how to respond to that action.
You will also learn to populate your table, using the information stored within a dictionary dataset. To end the chapter, we will compile, build, and...