In this recipe, we will prepare the Ubuntu 14.04 operating system for a Mesos source code installation.
Preparing Ubuntu 14.04 for a Mesos installation from source code
Getting ready
You must be running a 64-bit version of the Ubuntu 14.04 operating system and it should be patched to the most current patch level using apt-get prior to building the Mesos source code.
How to do it...
- First, we need to sync the latest package lists from the apt repositories with the update command:
$ sudo apt-get update
- Then, we install the prerequisite packages for building and running the Mesos source code:
$ sudo apt-get install -y tar wget git openjdk-7-
jdk autoconf libtool
build-essential python-dev python-boto libcurl4-
nss-dev libsasl2-dev
libsasl2-modules maven libapr1-dev libsvn-dev
- Next, continue to the Downloading, building, and installing the Mesos source code recipe at the end of this chapter.
How it works...
Preparing the operating system will enable us to build and install the Mesos source code. Next, you will need to download the Mesos source files and build the code.