Implementing the complete picture-puzzle game
Finally, we have all the parts at hand, and can combine them together into a puzzle game application.
Getting ready
Build and run the example 5_Puzzle
from the supplementary materials. This example, like others in this book, runs on Android as well as on Windows.
How to do it…
We start by augmenting our
project with a new page,clPage_Gallery
. This page delegates rendering and updating to the globalg_Flow
object:class clPage_Gallery: public clGUIPage { public: … virtual void Render() { RenderDirect( g_Flow ); } virtual void Update(float DT) { g_Flow->FFlinger->Update(DT); } private: void RenderDirect( clPtr<clFlowUI> Control ); };
method is essentially a slightly modified version ofRenderDirect()
from the Implementing the animated 3D image selector recipe in this chapter. There are only two differences—we replace wireframe quad rendering with theclCanvas::Rect3D()
call (to render...