Initializing OpenAL and playing the .wav files
In this recipe, we present the simplest possible example to play uncompressed audio files in PCM format (pulse-code modulation, This example just plays a single file in an infinite loop. We will create a single device, a single device context, and an audio source. All of this is done in a single dedicated thread, but we should not worry about multithreading issues because OpenAL functions are guaranteed to be thread-safe.
Getting ready
The source code and build scripts for the OpenAL library can be found in the 0_OpenAL
folder, and precompiled static libraries are included with each of the examples for this chapter. For Windows, we use dynamic linking with OpenAL. Explanations on how to load files from the Android .apk
package can be found in the Chapter 4, Organizing a Virtual Filesystem. The complete source of the example for this recipe can be found in the 0_AL_On_Android