As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
ACID transactions 108, 118
key highlights 120-122
versus traditional RDBMS transactions 119, 120
adaptive capacity 176, 177
additional access patterns
example models 145-151
handling 145
additional access patterns, example models
app authentication 147-149
employee data model 149-151
e-wallet 146, 147
Amazon Athena 327
Amazon DynamoDB 3, 215
Amazon EventBridge Pipes 265
Amazon Herd 9
Amazon Keyspaces 45
Amazon MemoryDB 313
Amazon RDS 353
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) 246
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 321
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 3
analytical patterns
building blocks 325
exploring 325
analytical use cases 328
batch jobs and downstream data sharing, powering 329
business dashboards and periodic reports, powering...