The Audit tool
An audit will require that all aspects of the records system be examined. Much of the audit goes into a review of the details of the File Plan structure. However, an audit will typically try to address many questions around system usage too.
To support questions about usage, Alfresco provides an Audit tool that is available from the Alfresco Records Management console.
Accessing the Audit tool
To get to the Audit tool, start with the Records Management dashlet, available from the Share home page, and click on Management Console:
With the current version of Share, any user is able to add the Records Management dashlet to their homepage dashboard. Adding the dashlet would allow any user to be able to access the Management Console page. While this may not be the best design, users without appropriate access rights won't be able to get much farther than that. Each tool on the console page requires permission rights in order to access it. Without the appropriate permission...