Records Search page
In order to comply with the extensive search requirements found in the DoD 5015.2 specification, the Records Management site includes a special page dedicated to search over the File Plan and the records that are in it. The Records Search page can be accessed by clicking on the link in the navigation area under the Records Management Site title:
Single-field search form
Document and record search forms can traditionally become very complex. Attempting to cram the labels and entry fields for tens of properties on a single screen is a challenge, both for developers to layout and for users to understand.
In the design of the Records Search page, Alfresco tried to opt towards simplicity. Typical user searches include very few properties as part of their search criteria, but in order to comply with the DoD 5015.2 specification, it is necessary to be able to search over all possible properties of the records system, so that simplifying the form by excluding some of the properties...