The Records Management Content Model
At this point, we're fairly familiar with the Alfresco Content Model and we can now apply that understanding by looking at the components of the Alfresco Records Management model. The content model descriptor files for the Records Management model can be found in the tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\module\org_alfresco_module_dod5015\model
directory. The content model is broken into two models and two files, namely, recordsModel.xml
and dod5015Model.xml
The Records Model
Let's look at the first file called recordsModel.xml
. The relationships defined in that model file can be illustrated in the UML format, as shown in the next diagram:
Now, let's look in detail at how the file recordsModel.xml
is constructed and the definitions that are in it.
The Records Model header
If we look at the top of the recordsModel.xml
file, we can see the declaration of the Records Model and some header information about the author and version:
<?xml version...