Extending the Alfresco Content Model
We've just toured the Alfresco Records Management Content Model. There's a lot there. Most likely you're impressed with what you've seen, but you are also probably thinking that there are some things in the model that you'd like to change, or you might have some ideas about properties that you think should be added to the model.
Changing part of the standard Alfresco Content Model (like the built-in model for Records Management) can be done, but should not be done lightly, especially if you are making changes to an Alfresco production system where Records Management is already in use.
Unlike other parts of Alfresco, there isn't a mechanism for overriding standard definitions of core content model files with your own files. For example, if you create an override file by modifying one of the files of the standard content model and then place your new file in the shared\alfresco\extension
area, the new file will not be picked up. To change the definitions...