Chapter 8. Managing Records
So far, we have covered how to design and implement a Records Management File Plan. We've also looked at the many different ways in which records can be filed into the plan. Now, in this chapter, we will discuss how to manage records once they have been filed.
Once a record is filed into the File Plan and declared as a record, it is subject to the instructions of the record Category's disposition schedule under which it is filed. The possible steps and states that make up a disposition schedule and that define the lifecycle for a record are described in detail in Chapter 9.
This chapter looks at record features that are common to and available for all or most lifecycle states that a record can be in. The first part of this chapter covers the details for how to access, view, and interact with record content and metadata from the user interface. The latter part of the chapter then describes code internals for how some of these capabilities have been implemented within...