Chapter 3. Introduction to the Alfresco Share Records Management Site
In the last chapter, we walked through the steps for installing and setting up a standard instance of Alfresco software with the Records Management module and then creating the Records Management Share site. In this chapter, we will spend some time familiarizing ourselves with the Alfresco Share environment and with some of the fundamentals of how to get started working within the Alfresco Records Management site.
Alfresco Share was built using elements of the Spring Surf web framework and the Alfresco Content Repository. While the Records Management site is no exception and while it follows a design pattern similar to that used by other sites within Share, there are also features of the Records Management site that make it distinctly different from standard Share sites, and we will highlight some of those similarities and differences here.
In this chapter, we will describe:
How to customize the Share user and site dashboards...