How does it work?
We will now look at how some of the internals work for filing records within Share. First, we will look at the Flash-based Upload File dialog for filing electronic files. Then we will also look at the internals of the dialog form used for registering non-electronic records.
Internals of electronic file upload
One of the interesting features of Alfresco Share that we discussed earlier in this chapter is the ability to quickly multi-select many files for upload at one time. Share has one of the best browser-based multi-file upload implementations available.
Traditional HTML web pages are very awkward when it comes to the handling of the uploading of files. HTML file uploads are possible because of a feature of the HTML<form>
tag. File uploads in HTML require that the form be declared with multipart
encoding and include input fields of type "file".
There are numerous restrictions for security reasons about how client-side JavaScript can interact with the input field...