Filing a non-electronic record from Share
We just saw that when filing into a Folder, a dialog first prompts to see whether an electronic or non-electronic record is to be filed. In the last section, we then saw how an electronic record is filed. In this section, we will look at the case of a non-electronic record.
When we select Non-electronic record filing, we are presented with a form to collect metadata associated with the record we are about to file. By filing a non-electronic document, we create a stub entry that references a physical document within the Records Management site that contains no file content. The non-electronic record typically refers to a paper record, but the record could be stored on any type of media, including, for example, older, but popular, archival media types like microfilm, aperture cards, and microfiche:
After completing the metadata for the Non-electronic record, we click on the Submit button. After doing that, a new Undeclared Record entry is added to...