How does it work?
Now that we've seen how specification of the disposition schedule works from a user perspective, let's examine some of the internals that occur when the Category and disposition schedule are configured.
The Category details page
First, let's look at the details page for a record Category. To do that, we'll do a bit of investigation to find out where the definition for this Spring-Surf page is defined. If we navigate to a category and select the View details option, we can see that the URL in the location field of the browser is something like http://localhost:8080/share/page/site/rm/record-category-details?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/96b977ad-b4f7-472b-a10c-ccb0c06151c6
We can trace backwards from this URL to find the pages that render and control the Categories detail page. The clue here in this URL is the string record-category-details
. Starting with the page descriptor file tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\site-data\pages\record-category-details.xml
, we can see...