Member access to the Records Management site
Access to the Records Management site is only available to those users who have subscribed to it. The Records Management site is, by default, a public site within Share and available only by subscription to Share users.
Subscribing to the Records Management site
It is possible for a user to subscribe to the Records Management site by going to the Site Finder page and searching for the site called rm and then clicking on the Join button once it has been located:
At this point, the user has access to the dashboard of the Records Management site, but before being able to access any records in the File Plan, the user also needs to be a member of one of the Records Management role groups.
If we want to prevent users from being able to self-subscribe to the site, we can change the visibility of the site from Public to Private. To do that, we log in as the user who is the site manager of the Records Management site, that is, the user who originally installed...