Groups and Records Management
Groups provide a way to aggregate users and other groups into a single logical entity that can be used when performing operations like assigning permissions. In Alfresco, there is a default user group called EVERYONE. Every user in the system is at least a member of the EVERYONE group and most users also belong to other groups.
To examine groups within Share, we return to the Admin Console and this time we bring up the Groups tool:
The layout of the Groups tool is very similar to that of the Users tool. As with Users, there is a group Search field at the top of the page. In a similar way, a search here also requires that the search criteria entered be at least one character long. Because of this limitation, finding a comprehensive list of all groups using the Search field isn't easy.
Browsing groups
Unlike the Users tool, the Groups tool has another option for browsing over all entries. There is a button to the right of the page called Browse. The Browse button...