How does it work?
From the perspective of how the Share application is built on Spring-Surf, the Records Management Console presents an interesting study. Maybe it's not too surprising, but the console re-uses much of the same framework code that is also used in the Administration Console for managing Users, Groups, and Application parameters.
The Management Console page
Clicking on the link in the Records Management Console dashlet causes the following page URL to be displayed: http://localhost:8080/share/page/console/rm-console/
. One thing to note with this URL is that it does not reference the rm
site as part of it.
The URL format for a Console page is defined in the tomcat\webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\share-config.xml
<uri-templates> <uri-template id="sitedashboardpage">/site/{site}/dashboard</uri- template> <uri-template id="sitepage">/site/{site}/{pageid}</uri-template> <uri-template id="userdashboardpage">/user/{userid}/dashboard<...