Unlike many commercial Content Management Systems, Alfresco includes a free and very powerful search engine called Lucene as part of its installation. Therefore, you don't have to buy and install a third-party search engine. Moreover, you don't have to deal with integration issues and upgrades.
By using Alfresco, you will be able to search both content and properties. You can perform a full-text search on any word in the content, regardless of the format. You can search for content in a particular space. You can also search for content belonging to certain categories or of a specific type. You can search for content created or modified between certain dates, created by a specific person, and so on. You can extend the search capabilities to search for custom content types and custom property values.
By default, all content in Alfresco is full-text searchable. Any content that has been uploaded to Alfresco, such as the following types, will be internally converted to text, indexed and...