Chapter 7. Extending the Alfresco Content Model
In the previous chapters, you were able to create content that had standard properties such as name, description, author, creation date, and timestamp. You were able to add aspects such as effectivity and Dublin core metadata to the content by using business rules. What if you need to have custom properties that are very specific to your business? What if you need to have custom content that handles the data and business rules in a way that suits your business needs? The Alfresco content model is highly configurable and easily extendable as per your business requirements. In this chapter, you will understand the process of customizing the content model. You will define your own custom properties and custom content type to extend the capabilities of your business application.
By the end of this chapter, you will have learned how to:
Configure a custom content model
Define and add a custom aspect (set of properties)
Define and use your custom content...