Building your own decision system-based IoT
In this section, we build a simple decision system using fuzzy logic on Raspberry Pi. We use Python for implementation. We build a system to monitor temperature and humidity in a room to decide if the environment is comfortable or not. If the environment is not comfortable, then we turn on a cooler machine.
The following is our design system:

We use DHT22 and relay modules for our wiring. Connect the DHT22 module into the following connections:
DHT22 pin 1 (VDD) is connected to the 3.3V pin from Raspberry Pi
DHT22 pin 2 (SIG) is connected to the GPIO23 (see the BCM column) pin from Raspberry Pi
DHT22 pin 4 (GND) is connected to the GND pin from Raspberry Pi
A relay VCC is connected to the 3.3V pin from Raspberry Pi
A relay GND is connected to the GND pin from Raspberry Pi
A relay signal is connected to the GPIO26 (see the BCM column) pin from Raspberry Pi
The complete wiring is shown in the following figure:

Writing the program
We build a fuzzy logic...