One common methodology is the CRISP-DM methodology (the modeling agency). The Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining or (CRISP-DM) model as it is known, is a process model that provides a fluid framework for devising, creating, building, testing, and deploying machine learning solutions. The process is loosely divided into six main phases. The phases can be seen in the following diagram:

CRISP-DM Methodology
Initially, the process starts with a business idea and a general consideration of the data. Each stage is briefly discussed in the following sections.
Business understanding/data understanding
The first phase looks at the machine learning solution from a business standpoint, rather than a technical standpoint. The business idea is defined, and a draft project plan is generated. Once the business idea is defined, the data understanding phase focuses on data collection and familiarity. At this point, missing data may be identified, or initial insights may be revealed. This...