Overview of comment and markup tools
The concept of markup or commenting comes from the world of editors, who review authors’ or designers’ work and mark corrections that need to be done in a document. It is a critical part of the publishing process and allows many experts to contribute to creating a high-quality final publication. Traditionally, the markup was done using red pencils and yellow (or another color) highlighters so that areas that needed attention were not missed. The marked-up copy was returned to an author who produced a new version of the publication after incorporating edit changes. The process could be repeated many times before the final content was ready for publishing.
How important is a review? If you watched The Devil Wears Prada, a 2006 comedy and now a classic, you get the idea. Instead of a thick book delivered in the middle of the night, though, we can use reviewing options available in Acrobat that will let you do everything without ever...