Say, you are a loan provider company and you would like to have a check on the customer's credit score to figure out whether a loan can be given to the customer, and if so, how much loan can be granted. You may also like to avoid or detect a potential fraud to minimize losses. All these are needed to basically cover the risk in the business. Equifax Inc. is one such credit reporting agency, besides, Experian and TransUnion. Each one of them provides APIs and mechanisms to report credit detail, programmatically. In this chapter, we will understand the Equifax APIs and what it would take to integrate it in any application, in general, and ADempiere, in particular.
Equifax is used to find out the information pertaining to customers and to evaluate their credit statuses and the validity of the information provided by the customers. It provides consumer data taken from a wide range of sources to enable its users to make informed decisions. To the user, Equifax provides the following...