Equifax session service
Upon a successful logon, Equifax provides a session token which needs to be used on the subsequent API calls. While the token is useful to the application developer, Equifax uses this to keep track of the API usage and managing the connections.
Session service has the following requests:
Ping: This is used to determine whether the Equifax XML interface is available
Logon: This is used to logon the user to the Equifax NTG application architecture. The success response contains the session token
Log off: This is used to log off the session identified by the supplied session token
Change password: It is used to change the password
In this recipe, we will see the steps and code required to invoke an Equifax session service API. Ping is kept outside this recipe due to its simplicity, whereas, Change password is covered in a separate recipe, as it needs some more attention besides just changing the password.
Getting ready
1. Make sure you have the