Price management
Generally, while talking about the product price, we could categorize or divide it into two parts: purchasing and sales price. This is just an example. We can add an additional type of price. I am wondering how I can manage the purchase and sales prices with ADempiere.
During the creation of both the Purchase Order and Standard Order documents, ADempiere requires a price list. With this requirement, logically, we have to set up a price list.
ADempiere products require a List Price, Standard Price, and Limit Price as part of their price list's information. The following is the meaning of the price list's parts associated with sales price:
List Price—is the recommended retail price.
Standard Price—is the standard price we sell at.
Limit Price—is a price limit that we will sell our products at. We cannot sell our products below this price.
Using the sales price list, the value taken from the List Price will be used when creating a Standard Order document. With this document, we can...