Receiving material
In other proprietary ERP systems, we can perform a material receipt if we have a reference to the Purchase Order document. In such cases, if we are receiving goods without the Purchase Order mentioned in the delivery notes, we have to contact our purchasing department to clarify the Purchase Order this material belongs to. In ADempiere, will it take time to complete this activity?
Fortunately, ADempiere has the capability to perform the material receipt activity with or without prior knowledge of the Purchase Order document. While we can process without the knowledge of the Purchase Order document, at the time of receiving the materials or goods, we can put this transaction in the system immediately, without any delay.
To work with activities related to receiving materials, ADempiere provides the Menu | Requisition-to-Invoice | Material Receipt window. This window contains five tabs: Material Receipt, Receipt Line, Confirmations, Matched POs, and Matched Invoices.
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