Document value workflow
Our Manager talked about a rule or condition. If there are any activities to cancel (void) an existing document (for example, a purchase order document related to a specific business partner), then the system should give us an alert that this document has been canceled. Could you help me to accommodate the manager's requirement?
We will send the Manager a notification e-mail if there are any purchase order cancellations for a certain business partner. We will look at how ADempiere catches the condition itself.
ADempiere has a mechanism for monitoring a new value inserted or updated in its database table, when saving any information. This saving activity can be triggered by:
The user: User clicks on the Save button.
Internal ADempiere system: An internal ADempiere process and\or calculation inserts or updates any information.
Both of these conditions are monitored by default. In your case, we just need to tell ADempiere:
Please help me in monitoring the purchase order document...