General Ledger distribution
We had an electricity bill of USD 1,500 this month. This bill covered electricity consumption for the Dress, Jacket, and Shirt organizations. Previously, we just entered these transactions one-by-one depending on the organization's allocation. Can ADempiere help us in such cases?
Yes, of course, ADempiere can help you with this issue. You can enter your total bill in a single transaction itself, and this amount will be distributed or allocated by ADempiere based on a predefined configuration. All you need to do is to configure your distribution percentage to all of the available organizations once, and then ADempiere will take care of the rest of the transaction.
Concept of GL distribution
There is some basic information that needs to be known, such as how to configure such a distribution. Navigate to the Menu | Performance Analysis | Accounting Rules | GL Distribution window. This contains two tabs: Distribution and Line. The important configuration of the Distribution...