Disaster declaration criteria for Active Directory service
Note: Based on the preliminary damage assessment, a determination will be made by the Manager(s) as to the level of the emergency/disaster (see Figure 1). This level will determine what actions we will take to recover.
Criteria used to determine if an emergency/disaster situation requires implementation /activation of the Business Continuity Plan.
EXAMPLE: If a site has two DCs and one fails, the service will still be available to users as Windows has automatic redirect if one logon server cannot be contacted. If the WAN connection fails, the users will still be able to authenticate via ADs stored on each DC. However, if both a DC and a WAN connection fails and the other DC a) cannot handle the load or b) have been used for something else, then no service is available to the user.
Criteria (For Determining Potential Disaster Situation) |
Date/Time Outage Occurred |
Level of Outage |
Assessment carried out by: |
Comments (Include estimated outage) |
Service is unavailable to all clients | ||||
Systems are offline and are not available to clients | ||||
Networking is offline | ||||
Major infrastructure problems (cooling, water, power) |
The following status levels should be applied
5 |
Site is no longer functional (worse case) |
4 |
Severe Impact (temporary move to another site) |
3 |
Significant Impact (one or more applications or areas are unusable, but recovery is possible) |
2 |
Moderate Impact (Application not available, or single area is affected) |
1 |
Minimal Impact (Major application problems) |