Kepler, launched in 2009, has discovered numerous planets (exoplanets) outside our solar system, some of these exoplanets could also support life. In the year 2014, the telescope began a major mission called K2, which hunts for more exoplanets while studying other cosmic phenomena. The Kepler mission has previously come up with huge discoveries, and has surprisingly estimated that the universe includes numerous planets that could support life.
This recent breakthrough was carried out with the help of Google’s Artificial intelligence, which analyzes the data coming from Kepler. With the help of Google’s AI, NASA expects to cut down the time required to choose a planet, which shows possibility of life. This is nothing short of the stuff they show on Christopher Nolan’s famous movie Interstellar, where Joseph Coop, an astronaut, goes in search of other planets to colonize as sustaining life on Earth becomes increasingly difficult. After decades of research and exploratory missions to far flung planets the research team arrives at 3 potential candidate planets for most likely suitable for human life. An AI backed Kepler could have saved that team time in narrowing down the list of planets with potential to find life. In short, the AI backing will ease out tasks for the scientists by allowing them to brush through the data sent by the telescope and easily pick up planets that might seem interesting to them for further exploration.
NASA said that Paul Hertz - director of NASA’s astrophysics division, Christopher Shallue - a senior Google software engineer, Jessie Dotson - Kepler project scientist, NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California, and two scientists would be part of the upcoming conference. Very little is known about the conference itself as NASA is tight-lipped about this press release headlined cryptically as, “NASA’s press release states that machine learning “demonstrates new ways of analyzing Kepler data.”
Let’s keep our enthusiasm intact for the disclosure of Kepler’s latest breakthrough this Thursday...To watch the conference live on Thursday, stream into NASA’s official website.
Until then, here are some ways we think AI could assist humans with space exploration:
There are many other ways how AI can be used to guide our space explorations. Scientists are still in the process of finding out unique ways in which AI can assist them in their space missions.