Last week three IDEs were ported to Haiku OS. Now, Haiku OS users can build applications with Netbeans, Intellij IDEA, and PyCharm.
Haiku is an offspring of BeOS which was created by an ex-Apple executive, Jean Luis Gassee. Haiku’s development began in 2001, the first beta was released in September 2018. It is a single user system targeted specifically for personal computing. It uses a custom kernel, a fully threaded design, and a cohesive interface. Haiku houses the progressive concepts from BeOS and delivers it in a free and open source package.
Now, let’s look at the package ports to Haiku. Haiko OS users can now run both Netbeans and IntelliJ IDEA with the OpenJDK8 x86_64 port. This is not in the depot yet, only in the haikuports recipe. Moreover, due to the efforts of another community member, a package for PyCharm Community Edition 2018.3 is also available. There are some minor issues and users have to work around a few settings to get things working.
The addition of NetBeans IDE 8.2 and Intellij IDEA Community Edition 2018.3 to Haiku OS has many of its users excited.
A comment on Hacker news says: “That's a really impressive achievement I think, those are complex applications running on complex stacks. It's certainly a big step in the direction of making Haiku a system that a developer could plausibly run for the development of cross-platform applications. This coupled with the Libre Office port last year means there's a pretty strong selection of applications for it cropping up.”
Note that, by default Haiku comes with the dying Python 2.7 and the next major version, Python 3 can be installed via the package manager.
To keep an eye on updates of these IDEs, head over to the Haiku forums.
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