Yesterday, Google announced the release of Chrome 70. This version comes with support for Desktop Progressive Web apps on Windows and Linux and for public key credentials. Also, web Bluetooth is now supported for Windows 10 users.
You can now install Desktop Progressive Web Apps on Windows and Linux. Once installed, they’re launched from the Start menu, and run like any other installed app, without an address bar or tabs.
Signing in has become very simple with the introduction of the Credential Management API. It enables the communication between your site and the browser’s credential manager or federated account services like Google and Facebook to sign in.
One more credential type named, Public Key Credential is introduced. It allows web applications to create and use, strong, cryptographically attested, and application-scoped credentials to authenticate users.
With the help of workers, you can move JavaScript off the main thread and into the background. This will keep your site interactive as it will prevent the main thread from locking up when it is running an expensive or complex JavaScript computation.
A new name attribute is added for workers in Chrome 70, which is specified by an optional argument on the constructor:
const url = '/scripts/my-worker.js';
const wNYC = new Worker(url, {name: 'NewYork'});
const oSF = {name: 'SanFrancisco'};
const wSF = new Worker(url, oSF);
You can now easily distinguish dedicated workers by name when you have multiple workers with the same URL.
AppCache potentially allows persistent online and offline cross-site scripting attacks, when used over insecure contexts. To avoid these attacks, AppCache is now only supported on origins that serve over HTTPS. Developers are advised to use service workers as an alternative.
The legacy item() accessor is no longer a part of the Gamepads array. This change improves compatibility with Firefox, the only browser to implement GamepadList.
Now an error is thrown by the speechSynthesis.speak() function if a document has not received a user activation. You can expect its removal in Chrome 71 by late November.
They have listed all the deprecations in Chrome 70 on their official website.
Read the full list of changes on the Google Developers website.
Chrome 69 privacy issues: automatic sign-ins and retained cookies; Chrome 70 to correct these
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Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and others to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 in favor of TLS 1.2 or later by 2020