In this article by Milcho G. Milchev, author of the book SFML Essentials, we will see how we can use SFML to create a customized animation using a sequence of images. We will also see how SFML renders an animation.
Animation exists in many forms. The traditional approach to animation is drawing a sequence of images which differ slightly from each other, and showing them on a screen one after the other. Even though this approach is still widely used, there are more elegant alternatives. For example, drawing (or modelling in 3D) only the limbs of a character and then animating how they move relative to time is a technique that saves a lot of time for artists. It also creates smoother results because not every frame of the animation has to be redrawn. In this book, we are going to explore only the traditional approach, since it is the simpler solution for programmers, and in many cases it is enough to bring life to any sprite.
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
As we established earlier, the traditional approach involves a set of images that need to change over time. For our example, we will use a crystal, which rotates around its centre. Typically, an animation is kept in a single file (a sprite sheet), where each frame of the animation is stored, and in most cases, each frame is the same size—the size of the object. In our example, the sprite is, 32 x 32 pixels and has eight frames, which play for one second. Here is what the sprite sheet looks like:
The following screenshot shows our animation setup in code:
First of all, note that we are using the AssetManager class to load our sprite sheet. The next line sets the texture rectangle of the sprite to target the first image in our sprite sheet. Here is what this means in terms of the sprite sheet texture:
Next, we will move this texture rectangle once in a while to simulate a rotating crystal. In the previous code, we set the number of frames to eight (as many as there are in the sprite sheet), and set the time of the animation to one second in total, which means that each frame stays for about 0.125 seconds (the animation duration is divided by the number of frames) at a time. We know what we want to do now, so let's do it:
In the code, we first measure the delta time since the last frame and add it to the accumulated time. The last two lines of the code actually do all the work. The first one looks intimidating at first glance, but it is simply a way to choose the correct frame, based on how much time has passed and how long the animation is. The formula timeAsSeconds / animationDuration gives us the time relative to the animation duration. So let's say that 0.4 seconds have passed and our animation duration is 1 second. This leaves us with 0.4 seconds in local animation time. Multiply this 0.4 seconds by the number of frames, and we get the following result:
0.4 * 8 = 3.2
This gives us which frame we should be on at the moment, and how long we have been there. The current frame index is the whole part of 3.2 (which is three), and the fraction part (0.2) is how long we have been on that frame. In this case, we are only interested in the current frame so we will take that by casting the whole expression to int. This rounds the number down if the number is positive (which it always is in this case). The last part, % frameNum is there to restart the animation when it reaches beyond its last frame. So in the case where 2.3 seconds have passed, we have the following result:
2.3 * 8 = 18.4
We do not have a 19th frame to show, so we show the frame which corresponds to that in our local scale [0…7]. In this case:
18 / 8 = 2 (and 2 remainder)
Since the % operator takes the remainder of a division, we are left to show the frame with the index two, which is the third frame. (We start counting from zero as programmers, remember?)
The last line of the code sets the texture rectangle to the current frame. The process is quite straightforward—since we only have frames on the x axis, we do not need to worry about the y coordinate of the rectangle, and so we will set it to zero. The x is computed by animFrame * spriteSize.x, which multiplies the current frame by the width of the frame. In the case, the current frame is two and the frame's width is 32, so we get:
2 * 32 = 64
Here is what the texture rectangle will look like:
The last thing we need to do is render the sprite inside the render frame and we are done. If everything goes smoothly, we should have a rotating crystal on the screen with eight frames. With this technique, we can animate sprites of all kinds no matter how many frames they have or how long the animation is. There are problems with the current approach though - the code looks messy, and it is only useful for a single animation. What if we want multiple animations for a sprite (rotating the crystal in a vertical direction as well), and we want to be able to switch between them? Currently, we would have to duplicate all our code for each animation and each animated sprite. In the next section, we will talk about how to avoid these issues by building a fully featured animation system that requires as little code duplication as possible.
Sprite animations seem quite easy now, don't they? Just keep in mind that there is a lot more to explore when it comes to animation. Not only are there different techniques to doing them, but also perfecting what we've developed so far might take some time. Fortunately, what we have so far will work as is in the majority of cases so I would say that you are pretty much set to go.
If you want to dig deeper, buy the book and read SFML Essentials in a simple step-by-step fashion by using SFML library to create realistic looking animations as well as to develop 2D and 3D games using the SFML.
Further resources on this subject: