Chapter 10. Events and Event Handlers
Business processes, particularly long-running processes that contain human interactions, often have to react to events. For example, let's imagine that a business process needs to provide a way to cancel the process while it is running. Or that we want to limit the maximum time in which a business process should finish. Or that a business process should start or stop on a specific date and time. All this can be achieved with events and Event Driven Architecture (EDA).
In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the events and event handlers in BPEL processes. We will do the following:
- Explain events and have a brief look at the EDA
- Understand how a BPEL process can react on events
- Get familiar with business, message, and alarm events
- Understand the difference between deadlines and durations
- Learn how to develop event-driven BPEL processes and how to invoke events from BPEL processes
- Learn how and when to use event handlers
- Get familiar with...