The project overview: Seamless event registration
While we will continue to work with the default theme, we're going to imagine a different hypothetical client and scenario for this chapter's jQuery enhancement.
In this scenario, the "client" is a not-for-profit/awareness group. They've created an Events category in their WordPress site and whenever a new event is planned, it is up to each event's coordinator to post information about their upcoming event to the Events category.
Most of their events are free but very disorganized as it's up to each coordinator to decide how they want to accept registration for an event, through e-mails or phone calls. People get confused and e-mail the wrong people on the site, and then there's no reliability of who's coming to what events so that the organization's leaders can gather stats from busy event coordinators in order to keep track of how effective the events are for their cause.
The good news is, we can still help them fix all this.