What we have learned so far
Wow! We finally made it. Thank you very much for making it through the book. I have nothing left to teach you within the scope of Unreal Engine By Example! We have covered so much in our journey thus far. From making a Hello Sphere
using only the editor, to creating missile launching boss AIs and networked first person characters! We have covered a lot in this book, but I thought it would be a good idea to summarize some of the core learning concepts we covered.
The Editors
We are now very familiar with the multiple editors of UE4, each following a fairly similar structure. We know to look at the Details panel when we wish to edit or inspect specific elements of a selected object. We know we can construct our objects via the viewport and viewport widgets. We have also learned to expose various properties of our own objects so we may tweak them via the numerous editors found within the engine. The most important thing we learned, however, is that the editor will...