For this next step, ensure that you have the Island Level scene open in Unity. If you have not, then open it now either by double-clicking on the Scene file in the Project panel, or by going to File | Open Scene and then selecting it from the Assets folder. Scene files are easy to spot, as they use the same icon as the Unity editor itself the Unity logo.
In Chapter 2, we built an island terrain with the terrain editor, including a corner of the island dedicated to a volcano mouth. To make this volcano seem a little more realistic, we'll add a plume of smoke and a mono-clip audio source to create a proximity-based sound of the volcano bubbling with molten lava. By adding both the audio and visual element, we'll hopefully achieve a more dynamic and realistic feel to the island and maintain player immersion in our game.
Begin by creating a new particle system in Unity by going to GameObject | Create Other | Particle System. This creates a new particle system called Particle System in...