Using Global Tracks
Global tracks in Studio One allow users to control parameters that affect an entire Song, rather than just a specific track or region. These tracks can be used to dynamically change the overall attributes of a Song, such as its key, tempo, or harmonic structure. As a creative tool, they allow you to quickly try out new ideas, explore various possibilities, and easily commit to them once you’re happy. Global Tracks also allow you to include additional content in a Song, such as a video or lyrics.
In this chapter, we will take an in-depth look at Studio One’s Global Tracks and learn how to harness their power to gain more control over your Songs. We will cover the following topics:
- Using the Chord Track to control the harmonic content of a Song
- Using the Ruler, Marker, and Lyric Tracks to work more efficiently on Songs
- Using the Video Track to add sound and music to a video