- At the end of the last sprint, the Developers shipped software that was not working as intended. The Scrum Master suggests that, in the next sprint, the most senior developer should review all code before it is released. Which one of the following statements best reflects this action?
a) It's a good idea. It will reduce the risk of shipping defective software again.
b) It's a bad idea. The senior developer should not spend all their time reviewing code.
c) It's up to the Product Owner to complain if defective software was shipped.
d) The Scrum Master has no place telling the Developers how to deliver working software.
- During the last two sprints, the Developers failed to complete all the items in the Sprint Backlog. Which is the most appropriate thing for the Scrum Master to say?
a) The team should start work earlier in the morning, so they can get more done.
b) The team should consider increasing the sprint duration.
c) Team members who don't pull their...