Chapter 3. Building Queries with Spring Data JPA
We have learned how we can configure Spring Data JPA and implemented a simple CRUD application. Now it is time that we learn some skills that will help us to implement real-life applications. In this chapter, we will cover:
How we can use query methods for creating queries
How we can create dynamic queries by using the JPA Criteria API
How we can use Querydsl for creating dynamic queries
How we can sort and paginate query results
In the course of this chapter, we will extend our contact manager application by adding a search function to it. The requirements of the search function are as follows:
The search function must return all contacts whose first name or last name start with the given search term
The search must be case insensitive
The search results must be sorted in ascending order by using the last name and first name
The search function must be able to paginate search results
We will also learn to sort and paginate the contact list shown on...