Installing and configuring Susy
In this recipe, you will learn how to install Susy on your system for command line usage and configure it to create grid-based layouts with ease. The Susy layout toolkit for Sass itself comes in the form of a Ruby Gem, which is an easy-to-install software package. You can read more about Ruby Gems in the Installing Sass for command line usage recipe of Chapter 1, Getting Started with Sass.
Getting ready
The only requirement for Susy is Sass. You should remember that Susy was built to be part of the Compass ecosystem, so it works well together with Compass. Read the Installing Sass for command line usage and Installing Compass recipes of Chapter 1, Getting Started with Sass, to learn how to install both Sass and Compass on your system. It's also recommended to pair Susy with tools, such as Breakpoint and Vertical Rhythms. Breakpoint has been discussed in more detail in the Media Queries with Breakpoints recipe of Chapter 8, Advanced Sass Coding. Finally, also...