Dashboards are an important means of visualization of data. For management activities, dashboards provide a quick estimation to track progress. We will soon see that the prerequisites to build dashboards are reports. Reports form the source for the dashboards.
To create a dashboard, navigate to the Reports tab as discussed in the The report builder section and click on New Dashboard to generate a dashboard. The fundamental thing to draw a dashboard is dragging a report to the dashboard area or template. Now, we will discuss the dashboard templates one by one and where they best fit.
The following screenshot illustrates various types of dashboard components:

The various types of dashboard components are as follows:
Bar charts (vertical and horizontal)
Line charts
Pie charts
Donut charts
Funnel charts
Scatter charts
Gauge charts
Metric charts
Tabular charts
Bar charts
Bar charts are used when we have a summary report with a single grouping or when we have multiple groupings but we want to display...