In this chapter, we have surveyed a number of sources of freely-available geospatial data. We have learned that:
OpenStreetMap is a collaborative website where people can create and edit vector maps worldwide.
TIGER is a service of the US Geological Survey providing geospatial data on streets, railways, rivers, lakes, geographic boundaries, and legal and statistical entities such as school districts and urban regions.
Natural Earth Data is an excellent source for physical and cultural boundaries in vector format, as well as various raster-format visualizations of the Earth.
GSHHS is a high-resolution shoreline database containing detailed vector data for shorelines, lakes, and rivers worldwide.
The World Borders Dataset is a simple vector data source containing country borders and related data for the entire world bundled into one convenient package.
Landsat provides detailed raster satellite imagery of all land masses on the Earth.
GLOBE provides medium-resolution digital elevation (DEM...