Working with legend and text elements in the layout
Now that you have all of your layers on your map, you need to make sure those layers are properly called out in your legend. In this section, you will take layers you just added to the map and add them to your legend. They will be added using the default legend style you set above in the Legend Item elements section.
In addition, you also want to add some details about each highlighted block group. Your map would be much more useful to readers if you included a table that contained the percentage of each race group in the highlighted block group on your map. This will allow them not only to see the race groups in the dot density map but also to reference the percentage each occupies in the block group.
You will do this by creating a list and data dictionary that will be used to extract data from the attribute table of the AlamedaContraCostaCounty_RaceHispanic_BlockGroup
. This data will be extracted in the next section to...