Chapter 8. Creating Your Own Custom Dashboard
Over the past few chapters, we've looked at the many ways in which you can both gather and present data from Puppet. We have also created custom alerts and applications for our users to gather their own information with. But we're still reliant on the dashboards that we looked at in Chapter 2, Viewing Data in Dashboards. That's not to say that they aren't any good, but the trouble with a pre-made solution is that it might not do exactly what you'd like.
In this chapter, we're going to create our own dashboard using PuppetDB as the data source and combine it with an open source framework for creating dashboards called Dashing. We're going to learn the following topics:
What Dashing is and what it can be used for
How to create Dashing jobs
How to integrate PuppetDB data into Dashing
How to make Dashing react to data
At the end of this chapter, you should have a functional and good-looking dashboard that quickly imparts some key facts to anyone who happens...