TODAY retrieves the current system date, as set in the operating system. TIME retrieves the current system time, as set in the operating system. CURRENTDATETIME retrieves the current date and time in the DATETIME format, which is stored in UTC international time (formerly referenced as GMT or Greenwich Mean Time) and then displayed in local time. If we are using the Windows client, these use the time setting in the Business Central client. If the system operates in multiple time zones at one time, search Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Help on the time zone for several references on how to deal with multiple time zones.
The syntax for each of these is as follows:
DateField := TODAY; TimeField := TIME; DateTimeField := CURRENTDATETIME;
These are often used for date- and time-stamping transactions or for filling in default values in fields of the appropriate data type. For data-entry purposes, the current system date can be entered by simply typing...