Props used to fill the empty space in levels are similar, in this sense of creating patterns. We can create patterns with our props to lead the player to places of interest. An example of this would be to generate the interior of a building with items we might expect to see in that building. We need to think like a level designer in this sense.

An old time tavern or bar prop set
The challenge would be to place the props in such a way that is believable. One way would be to tag the prop with a general descriptor such as a table or a chair. Then, tag an area in a modular room where a table might show up with the table tag. Any table variant prop will now only generate on table areas.
Levels push the boundaries of PCG simply because they can be as small as a room of a house or as big as a planet. We can be very minute with our modulation if we choose. Either we can create an environment by connecting modules, or we can simply set up a space and allow modules to populate the area.