Time for action – creating a Bar chart
Let us look at creating a Bar chart with horizontal orientation displaying the number of posts with PrimeFaces and jQuery tags from years 2009 to 2013.
- Create a Bar chart using horizontal orientation with custom
.<p:barChart value="#{chartController.chartModel}" style="width: 400px; height: 250px;" xaxisLabel="No. of Posts" yaxisLabel="Year" xaxisAngle="45" datatipFormat="#{chartController.datatipFormat}" legendPosition="se" barMargin="5" barPadding="4" seriesColors="A52A2A, 1E90FF" orientation="horizontal" animate="true" />
- Write a method to return the custom
.public String getDatatipFormat() { return "<span>No. of Posts: %s</span>"; }
What just happened?
We have created a horizontal Bar chart by setting orientation="horizontal...