Activity details
When you are viewing activities, there are a series of tabs below the main screen. These display a wide variety of settings available for the activities:

The most important tab is General
, which lets you set fundamental properties of the activity. Activity ID should be a code which follows a set pattern that allows it to be grouped, sorted, and organized. For example, activities in the Engineering phase can begin with E
. The Activity Name will be used on project reports such as the 3-week lookahead, and should therefore be meaningful to the people in the field performing the work on a daily basis. Activity Type is such a fundamental concept that it will be discussed in a following section solely dedicated to the topic.
The Status section shows the activitiy's start and finish dates. These dates may come from one of the following three different dates:
When the activity has not yet been scheduled, the dates are the Planned Start and Planned Finish.
After the activity...