Creating a subprocess
We will now create a subprocess in the workflow. This will validate the attributes that have been passed in to the workflow. The subprocess will perform the following validation checks:
That the employee exists in Oracle and is not null
That the absence type exists in Oracle and is not null
That the absence start date is not null
If the absence end date is not null then it is before the absence start date
To create the subprocess we need to perform the following tasks:
Creating a subprocess
Adding a validate employee function
Adding a validate absence type function
Creating end functions
Joining the functions
Adding a subprocess to a parent process
Testing the workflow
Creating a subprocess
To create a subprocess we need to navigate to processes in the navigator and select New Process from the menu. A subprocess is exactly the same as a normal process except the Runnable checkbox in the process properties is left unchecked.
How to do it...
To create a subprocess, we will perform...